canola crushing plants in canada

canola crushing plants in canada

Big jump in Canadian canola-crushing capacity coming

2021.5.10  The Canadian Oilseed Processors Association (COPA) anticipates a supply response to the demand pull for canola products,

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$2B renewable diesel, canola-crushing plant to be built

2022.1.17  The $2-billion canola-crushing and biodiesel plant will be built close to Regina's Co-op Refinery complex. (Richard Agecoutay/CBC News) Federated Co-operatives Ltd. said a new renewable...

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Louis Dreyfus to expand Canada canola plant, latest to

2023.4.11  WINNIPEG, Manitoba, April 11 (Reuters) - Global crop trader Louis Dreyfus Corp (LOUDR.UL) on Tuesday said it will more than double the size of its Canadian canola crushing plant in Yorkton,...

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Canada’s largest renewable diesel plant will turn canola

2022.1.21  Canada’s largest renewable diesel plant will turn canola oil into fuel. In 2027, a new facility in Regina, Sask., will be crushing canola to use for renewable diesel, a fossil fuel alternative often touted as a

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Canada rushes to crush more canola despite crop crunch

2022.1.21  Canada's canola crush capacity is set to increase by 6.8 million tonnes, or 62%, as demand for canola oil in food and fuel drives up prices and shrinks crops.

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Viterra building world-class canola-crushing plant in

2021.4.26  Viterra says its proposed canola -crushing plant in Regina will be the largest of its kind in the world. The company said it is currently carrying out a feasibility study to finalize the plant’s ...

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Demand for canola biodiesel may be driving canola

2021.4.27  Two canola crush plants were announced in Regina within a few days of each other, one by Cargill and one by Viterra. A professor in agricultural economics explains why the demand for canola biodiesel

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In a $190M day, Yorkton gets 2 canola-crushing plants

2006.9.7  The second announcement, which came about an hour after the first, was from Louis Dreyfus Canada Ltd.,which said its $90-million canola-crushing facility will

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