form of crystal aggregates

form of crystal aggregates

Crystal habit - Wikipedia

In mineralogy, crystal habit is the characteristic external shape of an individual crystal or aggregate of crystals. The habit of a crystal is dependent on its crystallographic form and growth conditions, which generally creates irregularities due to limited space in the crystallizing medium (commonly in rocks).

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Crystal Habits and Forms - Geology In

An aggregate of crystals forming a network or lattice is 'reticulated;' one composed of branches which radiate starlike from a central point is

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To sink, swim, twin, or nucleate: A critical appraisal of

2019.8.20  Crystal aggregates in igneous rocks have been variously ascribed to growth processes (e.g., twinning, heterogeneous nucleation, epitaxial growth, dendritic

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How do crystal aggregates form in magma chambers?

2019.9.5  One example is individual crystals attaching together to form aggregates (also known as clusters, clots, or glomerocrysts). Despite these being really common in volcanoes, it’s still not exactly clear how

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8 - Forms and textures of polycrystalline aggregates

2009.10.31  Spherulite, sheaf-like, and confeito-like polycrystalline aggregates or the curved banding patterns seen in agate are all formed by a simple geometrical

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Aggregate (geology) - Wikipedia

Crystal aggregate (lapis lazuli from Afghanistan) Construction aggregate (a gravel pit in Germany) Soil aggregate in Spain. In the Earth sciences, aggregate has three possible

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Intriguing minerals: quartz and its polymorphic modifications

2022.5.10  Quartz appears in the form of individual crystals or crystal aggregates. Often, it occurs in anhedral granular masses, in cryptocrystalline or rolled grains. Quartz

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Acoustic influence on aggregation and agglomeration of

2011.2.5  1. Introduction The advantages of crystallization are frequently frustrated by the aggregation and agglomeration of crystals, where the selectivity and purity of the

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Crystal habit - Wikipedia

Crystal habit. Smoky quartz with spessartine on top of feldspar matrix, featuring different crystal habits (shapes) In mineralogy, crystal habit is the characteristic external shape of an individual crystal or aggregate of

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Mineral - Crystal Habit, Aggregation Britannica

Mineral - Crystal Habit, Aggregation: The external shape (habit) of well-developed crystals can be visually studied and classified according to the various crystal systems that span the 32 crystal classes. The majority

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Crystal nephropathies: mechanisms of crystal-induced kidney injury - Nature

2017.2.20  Giant cells form in the interstitium by fusion of several macrophages, probably as the result of attempts to ingest large crystal aggregates 104 . Figure 5: Mechanisms of crystal granuloma formation.

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Human kidney stones: a natural record of universal biomineralization

2021.5.24  These layers form within dendritically branching aggregates (shrubs) composed of euhedral calcite crystals 5–10 μm in diameter and are deposited as organic-matter-rich and mineral-rich layers.

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The reluctant polymorph: investigation into the effect of self ...

2014.12.17  Based on morphological observation, form IV crystal growth perpendicular to (001) was observed only when phase transformation was finished – during the SMPT the surfaces of form IV crystal plane (001) were flat (Fig. 3, day 8.3), whereas 2 days after the SMPT elevations on the surface of the form IV were observed because of

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Organic molecular aggregates: From aggregation structure to

2021.6.24  The crystal structures show that DPA molecules form herringbone stacking as J-aggregates, which can effectively reduce the ACQ effect of the DPA molecules in solid state. In diluted solution, the 0–0 absorption peak of DPA molecule appears at 398 nm.

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Assembly and organization processes in DNA-directed colloidal ...

2009.6.30  During the second phase of crystal growth (t ≈ 1–3 s), these small DNA-AuNP clusters coalesce to form much larger DNA-AuNP aggregates. A third, slower phase ( t > 5 s) then occurs without significant changes in either the number of aggregates in solution or the position of the q 0 peak.

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14.5.1: Tetrahedral and Octahedral Oxides - Geosciences LibreTexts

Crystal aggregates and masses are common. Structure and Composition The structure of columbite-tantalite consists of chains of (Fe,Mn)O 6 and (Nb,Ta)O 6 octahedra. Edge sharing joins them together. Columbite, (Fe,Mn)Nb 2 O 6, and tantalite, (Fe,Mn)Ta 2 O 6 form a complete solid solution. Mg may substitute for (Fe,Mn).

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1.1 Primary Particles – Agglomerates – Aggregates - Wiley-VCH

Aggregates develop when primary particles begin to form a common crystal-line structure. From a physico-chemical point of view, the formation of aggre-gates corresponds to a sintering process like the formation of compact ceramic solids from several smaller (primary) particles. Aggregates are an assembly of primary particles that have grown ...

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Table of Mineral Habits

No crystalline form or imitative shape. Anhedral Grains: Granular minerals without the expression of crystal shapes: Tastes Bitter: Bitter taste from water soluble Mg or Ca compounds. Blocky: Crystal shape tends to be equant (e.g. feldspars). Bladed: Aggregates of thin lath-like crystals (e.g. kyanite). Blocky - Rhombohedral: Crystal shape ...

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Tracing transport of protein aggregates in microgravity versus

2022.2.17  The second theory proposes that there is an exclusion of larger protein aggregates incorporated into the growing crystal (aggregates produce crystal defects that can reduce crystal quality) 35,36,37.

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Impurity incorporation in solution crystallization: diagnosis ...

2021.12.28  1. Introduction Crystallization as a separation process plays a critical role in the manufacturing of bulk chemicals, food products, fine chemicals, and pharmaceuticals. 1,2 This unit operation is used for purification, but also as an isolation step for the separation of powders with the desired crystal size, habit, and structure. Currently, many of the

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Viral Aggregation: Impact on Virus Behavior in the Environment

2017.7.5  Aggregates of viruses can have a significant impact on quantification and behavior of viruses in the environment. Viral aggregates may be formed in numerous ways. Viruses may form crystal like structures and aggregates in the host cell during replication or may form due to changes in environmental c

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Ice Particle Properties Inferred From Aggregation Modelling

2020.6.11  Abstract We generated a large number 105,000 of aggregates composed of various monomer types and sizes using an ... The snowflakes in the atmosphere form by collisions of ice crystals present in many different shapes. In the computer model, ice crystal shapes typically found in the atmosphere are stuck together to create three ...

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Particles of different sizes and shapes induce neutrophil ... - Nature

2017.11.3  We conclude that particles of various sizes and shapes induce neutrophils to form crystal/NET aggregates containing neutrophils extracellular DNA. Figure 1. Crystals have different sizes and ...

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Complex structures arising from the self-assembly of a simple

2021.2.10  Considering the complexity of 1, it seems highly improbable that simple 4-APH + Cl − entities could reproducibly come together molecule by molecule to form such a complex crystal structure.

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Grating assembly in periodic crystal aggregates of aliphatic

2022.1.31  A few recent articles have extensively reviewed historical progress on mechanisms of polymer crystallized into periodic crystal arrays with complex orders and repetitions in assembly from nucleation to final aggregates [1,2,3,4].In a recent comprehensive review work on spherulites of crystalline materials by Shtukenberg et al.

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The role of macromolecules in the formation of kidney stones

2016.12.2  The formation of crystal aggregates, one of the critical processes in kidney stone pathogenesis, involves interactions between crystals (predominantly calcium oxalate monohydrate, COM) and urinary constituents (e.g., proteins), which serve as an adhesive “glue” between crystals in stones. To develop a better understanding of the

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Pore scale modeling and evaluation of clogging behavior of salt crystal

2021.10.1  Salt crystals form in two different forms (Miri et al., 2015): 1) single, large crystals in the aqueous phase. 2) aggregates of micrometer sized crystals in the CO 2-rich vapour phase. Single, large crystals form when the crystals are in contact with low- to moderately supersaturated solution and have enough time to grow.

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Crystal growth diagrams as an aid to interpreting the fabrics of ...

1993.1.1  The morphological and optical properties of crystal aggregates which develop by nucleated growth from a plane substrate are modelled by crystal growth diagrams. ... {1011}, obtuse {0112} and acute {4041} form. The acute form develops, in the most mature parallel growth stage, length-fast columnar crystals.

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