investigation of the electrochemical factors

investigation of the electrochemical factors

Valence regulation investigation of key factors on the

2022.8.25  Valence regulation investigation of key factors on the electrochemical immobilization uranyl from wastewater 1. Introduction. With the development of nuclear energy, the treatment of uranium-containing wastewater has become an... 2.

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Valence regulation investigation of key factors on the

2022.8.25  Valence regulation investigation of key factors on the electrochemical immobilization uranyl from wastewater. Electrochemical immobilization of uranyl

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Numerical investigation of critical electrochemical factors for

2021.2.1  These critical electrochemical factors are associated with different stages of experiments: stable pit growth under a salt film, film-free metal dissolution, and the

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Experimental Factors and Methods of Investigation of

Unless the chemical processes are considered, the E type reactions take into account the following possibilities (2–1): Keeping all other experimental conditions constant, the

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Electroanalytical Investigation of the Electrode–Electrolyte ...

This work contributes to understanding and predicting the interfacial electrode capacitance in ILs by understanding the balance of ionic interactions and the associated repulsions at

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Investigation of Electrochemical and Chemical Processes Occurring

2021.5.28  asXPS investigated the surface of the GC electrodes following polarization at fixed potentials to probe possible film formation. The core level C1s

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Electrochemical Supercapacitors: From Mechanism

2020.12.21  Multifaceted mechanism investigation of electrochemical SCs help to understand and refine the fundamental processes involved, while the exploration of new functionalities for

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Numerical Investigation of Critical Electrochemical Factors for ...

2020.8.10  Title: Numerical Investigation of Critical Electrochemical Factors for Localized Corrosion using a Multi-species Reactive Transport Model Authors: Xiangming

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Valence regulation investigation of key factors on the

Where, the analysis of the immobilized samples by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) revealed that pHs, current density, and the presence of foreign cations

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Valence regulation investigation of key factors on the

2022.4.1  The results indicated that the electrochemical fixation rate in alkaline system could reach more than 99%. The valence state of uranium is the key factor

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